Blue Diamonds

Nienhagen Germany

Active International

CORPS Photos

The Blue Diamonds DBC from the town Nienhagen, Germany, was founded on Aug. 28th 1984 under their previous name Nienhagener Wappengarde, already then using the style of a drum band. The association in those times consisted of 5 brass players, and 6 drummers having been chosen by Christian Korn.

The first instruments were bought with the members' donations. Then in 1985 upon the Hachefest (a local festival) the first public performance took place.
In the same year the membership grew to 24 players, and already then several performances in the closer environs were had. Then in 1986 the uniforms parts were purchased to complete the their provisory uniforms.

They joined the Spielmannszugvereinigung Niedersachsen (SZVN, a union of bands), and the Drum Corps Deutschland (DCD).

In 1987 the Nienhagener Wappengarde was renamed to Blue Diamonds Drum & Bugle Corps, because their style had meanwhile consolidated, and in Germany and abroad, as well, there was competition with comparable formations. In the same year the Color Guard was founded who were to accentuate the performances with their banners.

In 1988 the club already consists of 36 active members who now prove their skill in major events, too, such as a live performance in the radio broadcast "Abend für junge Hörer" (evening for young listeners) which was a great success for the musicians. In the years to come the corps strived for contests of the DCD wherein year by year greater successes were achieved.

The instrumentation of the brass section was changed from Bb to G, a field show was created. With this show a 3rd rank was achieved on the German Drum Corps Championships.
Upon the contests of individuals, and ensembles the Blue Diamonds won 7 German Championships, and further good rankings, as well, within the past few years.

Besides of many performances here and abroad, the corps became champion of the section Percussion Ensemble, on the German Championships of Frankfort, 1993.

At present the corps has more than 40 active musicians in the main corps and supplying members, anyway. Blue Diamonds are proud about their youth organization, the "Diamond Cadets" that has meanwhile grown up to 30 little musicians in the age of 6 till 14.

The Blue Diamonds have a complete set of instruments, an own truck, and a transporter at their disposal. Most recently the Blue Diamonds were also provided with an own rehearsal und store room by the parish of Nienhagen. Through this additional space the association enjoys a great relief considering their other offers of room, or usufruct.

The musicians are trained two times a week – other than in the United States they do it 12 months a year – and there is no aged-out rule in Germany; so it is more similar to DCA than to DCI. Every year training camps under the lead of international instructors take place in order to work together concentratedly for a few days, and to strengthen their comradeship. The active Corps is composed of mainly young members, and therefore depends on donations for the payment, and retrieval of instruments, and equipment.

They do their performances on the occasion of donation collections for, such as for First Aid Trainings, clearing away trash out of the regional woods, handicrafts afternoons, organized holiday events, or entertaining events of their own, as well.

In the last 5 years they had a lot of festivals and contests in Germany, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, France and Poland.

In spring 2005 Blue Diamonds traveled again to Figueras, Spain, the hometown of the famous Salvatore Dali, with their new show: "A Chorus Line" by Marvin Hamlish; new arranged by René Ranzijn (brass), René van Dyke (percussion), Paul Doop (pit) – all from Netherlands.

There was a great festival with other bands from Mexico, France, Poland, Lituania and Swiss. In fall 2005 they had a tour to Firminy, France, hometown of Le Corbusier.

The Blue Diamonds members are passionate musicians who do a lot for their personal development by their assiduity, and their disciplined performances.

They’d like to meet, however, more tolerance on their open-air rehearsals, more public recognition, and, above all, more understanding for making their music.

Learn more about Blue Diamonds DBC: or (its in German)

All American Drum Corps-Nuts who live in Germany as a soldier or a businessman are invited to visit or join Blue Diamonds!

[Submitted by the corps; Nov 2005]

Members (2)

Member Name Section Years Involved
Kuehne, Klaus J. Staff 1999
Pohl, Julian Snare 2003 to 2017
No collection items available. Please contact us if you have something to contribute.