St. Joe's Ironbound

Other Names:Duplicaate of 1135

Newark, NJ United States

Inactive Junior
No information available
Position 200+ indicates Division II, Position 300+ indicates Division III, Position 400+ indicates Mini Corps.

CORPS Photos

"The St. Joseph's Ironbound Cadets Jr. Drum and Bugle Corps are a comparatively new corps and to date have had very little publicity. We sincerely hope that your paper will kindly publish at least one article concerning our corps.We desperately need mention and do hope this can be accomplished through your fine publication.
The following ia a listing of the corp's schedule for the months of February through April.
Feb. 17 - Individuals and Quartet Tourney, sponsored by St. Rose of Lima Newark, N.J. Entrants in this contest are:
bass baritone : Alphonse Benimeli
french horn : Jose Quevedo
solo soprano : Manuel Salort
second soprano: Richard Benimeli

quartet: Alphonse Benimeli
Richard Benimeli
Manuel Salort
Jorge Alonso

April 27 - First field corps competition, sponsored by St. Lucy's at Belleville, N.J.

April 27 - Cherry Blossom Festival Parade Belleville, N.J.

April 28 - International Longshoreman's Ass'n Comunion Breakfast, Newark.

Schedule, St. Joseph's Sentinels Color Guard (member, Metropolitan Color Guard Circuit).

Feb. 9 - First guard competition at Hawthorne, N.J. sponsored by the Muchachos.

Feb. 10 - Contest sponsored by the Minutemen. at Brooklyn, N.Y.

We wish to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for any courtesies extended to us. Wishing you every continued succes in your drum corps publication. I remain,
Very truly yours,
(Mrs.) Patricia Sukatskas
St. Joseph's Ironbound Cadets

[From the April 1963 Eastern Review]

Members (1)

Member Name Section Years Involved
Liotti, Tony soprano, french horn 1958 to 1960
No collection items available. Please contact us if you have something to contribute.


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