St. Joseph's Islanders

Green Island, NY United States
Founded: 1960

Inactive Junior
No information available
Position 200+ indicates Division II, Position 300+ indicates Division III, Position 400+ indicates Mini Corps.

CORPS Photos

Members (11)

Member Name Section Years Involved
Bouchey, Lynn color guard &drum major 1960 to 1966
Bouchey, Mel Soprano 1960 to 1966
Chevalier, Raye "Earnie" " Snare Line 1961 to 1964
Chevalier, Raymond "Earnie" Snare 1960 to 1966
Curtis, Tony Lead Soprano 1964 to 1967
Finn, Bob Lead soprano 1964 to 1966
Fitzpatrick (fitzy), John Drum LIne snare 1964 to 1966
Fredericks, John horn 1969
Horan, Bart Brass 1965 to 1966
Loiselle, Steve Snare 1961 to 1963
Loiselle, Steve Snare Line 1960 to 1963
No collection items available. Please contact us if you have something to contribute.


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