California Crusaders

Other Names:merger Royal Guardsmen and Lakewood Ambassadors

Carson, CA United States
Founded: 1970

Inactive Junior

CORPS Photos

Members (7)

Member Name Section Years Involved
Butler, Timothy baritone 1970 to 1971
Conrad, Don Contra 1970 to 1972
Harris, Catherine French Horn 1970 to 1971
Harris, Catherine French Horn 1970 to 1971
mcguire, kristie color guard [rifles] 1973 to 1974
Selga, Frank Soprano 1971 to 1973
Vestesen (Bliss), Elaine Horn-mellophone 1968 to 1970

CORPS 1 items

California Crusaders

CaliforniaCrusaders,Carson,CA,Pin1(RE-2.5)J_U_S from the Richard Elmquist Collection


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