Amvet Lancers

Other Names:feeder corps for Amvet Brigadiers

Randolph, MA United States
Founded: 1963

Inactive Junior
No information available
Position 200+ indicates Division II, Position 300+ indicates Division III, Position 400+ indicates Mini Corps.

CORPS Photos

The Amvet Lancers were founded on November 19,1963. With a group of some 85 kids were determined to work their way up the drum corps line to be ranked among the best.  The corps and their management worked hard together in their first year during the 6 months they had until their first competition.

The corps went out to only 4 competitions during their first season until they felt  they were ready to tackle the more established class c corps. The Lancers went on through management after management, instructor after instructor, and year after year until finally in 1969 the Lancers won the Eastern Mass Circuit Championship.

In 1976 the Lancers made resurgence in Class C in both the Mayflower State & Eastern Mass Circuits placing in the top ranks in their class.  Out of 18 competitions that year, the Lancers placed first in five competitions, second in another four and third in an additional three.  They placed in the top five for the rest of the year. Their season ended with some disappointments in the championship series. Although they did not fair as well as expected in the championship series, they laid the ground work for a takeover in dominance in their class the following year.

1977 brought about an almost flawless season placing first in 15 out of 16 competitions and second only once.  They swept Class “C” in the Mayflower State circuit and placing second once in the Eastern Mass Circuit to the dreaded Crusaders of Wilmington; the darkest day of the season.  That second place finish only fueled a drive and a winning streak to and through the championship series.  No other class C corp. came within range in the Mayflower Circuit Championship, Eastern Mass Circuit Championship and the Battle of Champions.  They produced some of the highest scores Class C has ever recorded.

 [Submitted by Robert Roy, August 2018]

Members (3)

Member Name Section Years Involved
Kelley, Ginger Horn Line 1975 to 1977
Roy, Bob Tenor Drum 1964 to 1967
Roy, Bob Drum Instructor 1975 to 1977

CORPS 1 items

Amvet Lancers

Amvet Lancers Patch Contributed by Robert Roy


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