Blue Angels

Westernport, MD United States
Founded: 1976

Inactive Junior
No information available
Position 200+ indicates Division II, Position 300+ indicates Division III, Position 400+ indicates Mini Corps.

CORPS Photos

The Blue Angels drum and bugle corps was originally a senior corps and reorganized in the fall of 1976 as a junior unit under the leadership of Don McDowell and sponsored by the Victory American Legion Post 155 of Westernport.

In their inaugural season, the corps competed in early July, performing in several local events and participated at the 1978 American Legion Nationals held in New Orleans, placing 17thThe Blue Angels remained active over the next seasons, winning the Maryland American Legion championships before disbanding in 1981.

Paul Legault (DCX)

No scores available.
No members have registered to be listed
No collection items available. Please contact us if you have something to contribute.


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