Phoenix Coventry

Coventry, Warwickshire United Kingdom

Active International
2001 Music of Barry Manilow - One Voice * Could it be Magic * I Made It Through the Rain * Mambo from Copacabana * Copacabana  
2002 Movies - Far and Away * Robin Hood Prince of Thieves * When You're Alone (from Hook) * My Girl  
Position 200+ indicates Division II, Position 300+ indicates Division III, Position 400+ indicates Mini Corps.

CORPS Photos

Phoenix Coventry is a junior marching and maneuvering corps based in Conventry, Warwickshire, UK.

In 2003, the corps won the Class A competition at the DCUK Championships.

[DCW, 11/03, p.10]

Members (2)

Member Name Section Years Involved
Jenkins, Kate Pit 2005
Wood, Steve Contra / DM 2003
No collection items available. Please contact us if you have something to contribute.