
Other Names:merger of Capital Chargers and Falcons

Springfield, IL United States
Founded: 1975

Inactive Junior
1975 War March from El Cid * Theme from El Cid * Pictures at an Exhibition * Walk on the Wild Side * Pastoral Symphony  
1976 French National March * Tortilla Sharps and Flats * Godspell medley * Walk on the Wild Side  
Position 200+ indicates Division II, Position 300+ indicates Division III, Position 400+ indicates Mini Corps.

CORPS Photos

Members (10)

Member Name Section Years Involved
Bilyeu, Keith French Horn 1973 to 1976
Bliss, Rich Soprano 1978 to 1980
Clark, Debbie Rifle 1973 to 1975
Clark, Debbie Rifle 1974 to 1976
Clark, Donna Rifle 1973 to 1975
Hall, Sally Drum Major 1973 to 1977
Jordan, John Baritone 1979 to 1980
Lindner, Jeff Snare 1975 to 1976
Osborne, Joy flag 1976 to 1980
Pierce, Mark snare 1976

CORPS 1 items


Statesmen,Springfield,IL,Pin1-IllinoisStatehouse(RE-2.25)J_U_S from the Richard Elmquist Collection


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