Marauders (MI)

Madison Heights, MI United States
Founded: 1959

Inactive Junior
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Repertoire for 1970
Hallelujah Trails by Elmer Bernstein
Battle Hymn of the Republic by Traditional collected by William Steffe | adapted by Julia Ward Howe Acappella America - Sony Music; ASIN: B0000028PT
Mod Sod drum solo
Abergavenny by Wilde. Marty
3500 (from Hair) by Galt MacDermot
More and More by Vee Pee Smith | Don Juan Blood, Sweat and Tears
Scarborough Fair by Traditional Simon & Garfunkel Concert In Central Park
Get Back by John Lennon | Paul McCartney

CORPS Photos

The Marauders, formed in 1959, was a junior marching and maneuvering corps based in Madison Heights, Michigan. They were sponsored by the Thomas Edison American Legion Post 187 and the Giles Everingham VFW Post 9507.

The corps‘ colors were blue and white, with red trim.

Awards included the 1962 Wolverine Circuit Championship, and the 1960 VFW State and National Championship. The corps sponsored two contests annually, in June and September.

*Members of the Marauders, Royal Lancers, Flint Guardsmen, and other corps joined the Iron Brigade of Detroit,MI when the corps was formed in 1973.

[Encyclopedia of Drum and Bugle Corps, 1966]

*There was no merger to form Iron Brigade.
Since their organization in 1959 the Marauders have traveled over 60.000 miles to perform throughout the Midwest. During their first decade their titles include : Wolverine Circuit and Michigan Amvets Champs 1962,
VFW State Champions 1965, American Legion Color Guard 1969.
The Marauders begin their second decade of existence as competing members of the following organizations : Illinois Drum Corps Association, Mid-America Association, Great Lakes Association and the Associated Jr. Corps. By their participation in these organizations they will appear in many major contests
throughout the Mid-West---Ontario---New York area.
Rapidly emerging as one of the fastest rising Jr. Corps in the country the Marauders are sponsored by
V.F.W. Post No. 9507 of Madison Heights, American Legion Post No. 374 of Berkley, and the Marauders Incorporated.
The General Manager is Len Osinski, Bill Rice is Corps Director, and the Business Manager is Ron Raden.
The 1970 Field Show is as follows : Off The Line--"Hallelujah Trails" from the movie; Color Presentation--"Battle Hymn", Civil War Battle Hymn; Percussion Ensemble-- "Mod Sod" featuring intricate changes in time; Intro to Concert--"Abergavenny" 1969 rock number; Concert-- "3500" from the rock musical Hair; Production Number--"More and More" from Blood Sweat and Tears; Field Exit--"Scarborough Fair" from "The
Graduate"; Finale Fanfare-- "Get Back".
The 1970 Music was arranged by the Marauders Music Director Mike West. Bugles are instructed by Mike West and Bob Rice. Percussion arrangements and instruction by John Osinski and Bill Rice. the field drill was written and instructed by Duane Comerford.
[From 1970 Show program c/o Scottg Great Lakes Area Drum Corps Yahoo group.]

Members (16)

Member Name Section Years Involved
baldiga, joe horn section soprano bugle 1966 to 1972
Beal (Smith), Mary Beth Color Guard 1971 to 1972
Chambers, George Horn 1963 to 1966
Dandar, Mark drum line 1970 to 1972
Hartley, Chris Color Guard 1970 to 1972
james, rick brass 1965 to 1972
Kome, Jan Horn Line, color guard 1968 to 1972
LaFountaine, David Baritone 1970 to 1971
Paton, Patrick Soprano/Mellophone 1965 to 1972
Pouliot, Russell soprano 1970 to 1972
Shea, Dave ,aka Canuck, Drummer/ cymbals 1972
Szostek, Dawn rile line 1972
Toby, Michael Drum Major-French Horn 1960 to 1964
Zimmicky, Judy color guard 1970 to 1972
Zimmicky, Mike Bartone, Tympani 1970 to 1972
Zimmicky, Sandy color guard/rifle 1967 to 1971

CORPS 4 items

Marauders (MI)

Marauders,MadisonHeights,MI,DL1-1969-Blue(Site)J_U_S from the Richard Elmquist Collection
Marauders (MI)

Marauders,MadisonHeights,MI,DL2-1970-Gray(Site)J_U_S from the Richard Elmquist Collection
Marauders (MI)

Marauders,MadisonHeights,MI,Pin1-MIMap(BJA-2.25)J_U_S from the Richard Elmquist Collection
Marauders (MI)

Marauders,MadisonHeights,MI,SC1-CorpsNames(Site)J_U_S from the Richard Elmquist Collection


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