
Other Names: Vern Acklin American Legion Memorial Corps; Vern Acklin Cavaliers

Verona, PA United States
Founded: 1946

Inactive Senior

The Cavaliers drum and bugle corps was organized in 1946 by John H. Young Jr., who had formed the Verona Boy Scouts Troop No. 1 in January 1929 and proposed, since the passing of Vern Acklin in 1946, it would be fitting and proper that the senior corps should carry the name of “Vern Acklin Memorial Corps” as a tribute to a man who had done so much to build the corps. Vern Acklin had taken over leadership of Troop No. 1 in 1935.

The Memorial corps operated as an independent organization, having no sponsorship of any kind. They were financed entirely from the prize money they won and funded raising activities which they conducted. From 1947 to 1953, they grew in stature, winning many prizes and titles throughout the tri-state district. Among these were the 1947 Allegheny County Firemen’s Championship, the Tri-State championship and the 1949 State Firemen’s parade championship. The musical director of the corps was Americo Ricci and the drum instructor was Dr. John Schrenker.

In the 1950's, Norm Frick and Buck Blank original corps members became leaders. Then Paul Dachile became corps commander and continued John Young’s role of helping Verona. The corps joined the Western PA circuit and in 1956, reorganized as the Vern Acklin Cavaliers, under sponsorship of the Verona VFW Post 441 and the Oakmont American Legion Post 600. They went on to win the 1956 Western circuit championships and placed 4th in the 1957 Central PA circuit.

In 1958, the corps continued its competitive status before going inactive over the next 2 years, reactivating as a parade and exhibition corps the following season. After returning to the field of competition in 1962 in their familiar maroon and white uniforms, the Vern Acklin unit once again resumed activity as a parade corps in 1963. The next year, while on their way home from a contest in 1964, they were involved in a serious bus accident but no members were seriously injured thanks to the fact that they had their uniforms hanging from the windows and subsequently protecting them from harm.

The corps competed throughout the region over the next two seasons before merging in 1967 with the Sharpsburg Cadets to form the Allegheny Monarchs. In 1972, the members of the former Vern Acklin group reunited to form the Verona Cavaliers, staring out as a street parade corps and entered the field of competition in the Red Carpet Association, placing 13th in 1973 and 10th in 1974.

The Cavaliers remained active in parades for the next 3 years, disbanding in 1978 but held a reunion in 2003 attended by, among others, Vern Acklin's brothers Dale and Ken Acklin, an octogenarian corps alumnus. A corps theme song of several decades' standing was "Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White".

John Gruphofer, Adam McCarrison, Charles M. Acklin; Encyclopedia of Drum and Bugle Corps, 1966.
From Verona-Rosedale Kiwanis Festival of Drums souvenir program, June 11, 1954; Paul Legault (DCX)

Members (10)

Member Name Section Years Involved
Acklin, Chuck Soprano / Melophone 1961 to 1966
Braden, Dave Lead Soprano 1963 to 1973
Dachille, Paul Mellophone 1971 to 1977
Gruphofer, Joe Guard/French horn/baritone 1960 to 1976
Gruphofer, John Fr.Horn/Baritone 1960 to 1976
harviten, tim drum line 1960 to 1972
Heavner, Howard H. Snare Drum 1955 to 1958
Menear, Bob lead soprano 1973
Rimer, Tom snare 1960 to 1975
Schorsch, Paul Snare 1962 to 1965

CORPS 11 items


Advance Leader Article Sept. 29, 1971 Contributed by Paul Dachille

Cavaliers Blouse 1975-77 Contributed by Paul Dachille

Cavaliers Business Card 1970s Contributed by Paul Dachille

Cavaliers Overseas Cap 1940s-60s Contributed by Paul Dachille

Cavaliers RCA Charter Members 1968 Contributed by Paul Dachille

Cavaliers T-shirt 1971-74 Contributed by Paul Dachille

Cavaliers T-shirt 1975-77 Contributed by Paul Dachille

Corps Jacket Early 1960s Contributed by Paul Dachille

PA State Championships 1973 75 76 Contributed by Paul Dachille

Soprano Case 1940s-60s Contributed by Paul Dachille
PDF Document

The Exit of the Vern Acklin Cavaliers Contributed by Paul R. Dachille, Jr.


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