Other Names:OLPH-VIPs

Washington, DC United States
Founded: 1965

Inactive Junior

CORPS Photos

"If you have heard rumors about a whirlwind being in Washington, D.C., they are absolutely true. The V.I.P.'s Drum & Bugle Corps is the stirring in this case. The corps, now a full 4 years old, is outdoing itself living up to its moto of Spirit, Difficulty, and Precision. They are poised on the ready line with one of the best selections of music that will be heard on the East Coast this season. The defending Maryland State American Legion Champions have, if possible, an even more awe-inspiring repertoire this year. It includes such selections as the rousing "Parade of the Charioteers", the rhythm of "Eleanor Rigby", and for a second year, the inspirational "Softly".
The V.I.P.'s march on the field with the best color guard in the East. The competing guard is the defending Maryland State A.L. Champions, and for the second year in a row, Chapter II Champions of the National Judges Color Guard Assoc. Last year the guard finished in second place in the Boston World Open, losing by a mere 0.3.
This year the corps will make their opening debut in the famed "Little Steel City Spectacle" competition in Coatsville,PA.
This corps placed well in last years V.F.W. Nationals and the U.S. Open. Seemingly, the staff of this promising corps have a great deal to work with. The miracle workers who produced this awesome giant in such a short time are John Brazale, Director; Bill Seminek, Musical Director; Bob Nedrick, Drum Instructor; and Joseph Wise, Business Manager.
In 1969 the V.I.P.'s will be a corps to be reckoned with--even by the giants of the junior circuit. Most of all, this corps should be seen by everyone whenever possible. The V.I.P.'s, truly great ones in the making, do,without a doubt, abound with Spirit, Difficulty, and Precision."

[From the July 16 1969 issue of DCN]

Members (8)

Member Name Section Years Involved
Dalton, Edward Horns 1967 to 1969
Dalton, Edward Contra Bass 1967 to 1970; 1972
Dalton, Edward Horn (Contrabass) 1968 to 1970; 1972
Dowtin, Norman Drum 1965 to 1969
Gibson, Patrick drum/horn 1968 to 1970
Jackson, Robert Drum 1965 to 1971
Steele, Edward ContraBass 1968 to 1972
wise, william horn 1968 to 1970
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